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When our desires and wishes can't be fulfilled, whether due to external constraints or because they contradict each other, we become rather frustrated. In this state, we're 'tense', 'stressed' or laden with 'negative energy'. Outwardly, we might appear normal, but if someone were to meddle with us, the results could be rather peculiar, potent, and decidedly unpredictable. The tension, pressure, and pent-up energy within us will be unleashed upon that unfortunate soul... Hence, we generally try to avoid frustration, so that we remain in control, more stable, and react in a predictable manner. Even solid materials can be frustrated!

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When: 2018

Where: Nature | Technology (Curator: Shlomit Bauman) Contemporary Ceramics Centre, Tel Aviv

With: Shira Shoval, in collaboration with Prof. Eran Sharon, Racah Institute of Physics

What: 32 latex tiles, 36x36 cm each. laser cutting. 

Photos: Shay ben Ephraim

Videos: Margarita Balaklav

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Frustrated Materials‬

Self-Shaping matter learnt from Nature


Architect by profession,

interdisciplinary designer by heart

Arielle Blonder

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